I earned my Bachelor's degree in Political Science at Binghamton University. While I majored in Political Science, I minored in Spanish, and can speak the language proficiently. After graduating Binghamton University, I worked on Wall St. for both the Bank of New York and for J.P. Morgan Chase. I worked in the banking divisions there for ten years, developing important life skills and flourishing professionally. At the same time, I began mentoring high school students through my local parish, and soon realized that teaching could be my true calling in life. Therefore, I returned to school at night to obtain my Masters of Science degree in Social Studies Education from Queens College. I am currently certified to teach middle and high school Social Studies, and I have my Diocesan Religious Certificate to teach Religion in the Diocese of Rockville Centre.
8th Grade Religion
The 8th grade Religion curriculum centers around the History of the Catholic Church. We begin the year as a class focusing on how we as followers of Jesus Christ are asked to reflect God's love in our daily lives. This year, 8th Grade students will learn about the Beatitudes, the Liturgical year, the Ten Commandments and what they mean in our lives, as well the nature of God's will and sin. Students will be constantly asked to search for God in their daily lives and recognize signs of His divine love, forgiveness, and mercy. Students will go to mass once a week and will be expected to learn the various responses at mass, such as the Penitential Rite, the Invitation to Prayer, the Gloria, the Sanctus, and the Invitation to Communion. Students will be challenged to deepen their faith in Christ through community service activities as well. Each 8th grade student is responsible for a minimum of five hours of community service. Community service opportunities will be presented to our students, however, I will also encourage them to seek out other community service opportunities through the local libraries, beach clean ups, etc. Each 8th grade student will receive community service sheets on which they have to accurately describe their acts of service and how they were able to help others. All Community service sheets must contain student, parent/guardian, and supervisor signatures to verify that an act of community service has been completed. All necessary signatures must be obtained and forms handed in by 12/02/24 for the hours of community service to count for the Second Trimester. 8th grade is also a very exciting time for 8th grade Catholics in that this is the year that they will be receiving the Holy Spirit in the sacrament of Confirmation. Details and dates will be posted to this page soon regarding the steps students will take to prepare for this final Sacrament of Initiation into the Catholic Church.
Diocesan Saint Quote of the Day
Memorial of St Paul Miki & Companions
“The only reason for my being killed is that I have taught the doctrine of Christ. I certainly did teach the doctrine of Christ. I thank God it is for this reason I die. I believe that I am telling only the truth before I die. I know you believe me and I want to say to you all once again: Ask Christ to help you to become happy. I obey Christ. After Christ’s example I forgive my persecutors.”