Welcome to Mrs. Giurlanda's Pre-K Class Page! Quote of the Month : "It is not about how much we give, but how much love we put into giving" ~ Saint Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa)
I will be posting information on this webpage. In the event of online learning has to occur again, I will be teaching through Google Classroom Google Classroom for Mrs. G.
Important Dates to Remember: ~ Friday, January 17, 2025: Early Dismissal at 10:45 a.m.
~ Monday, January 20, 2025: Martin Luther King Jr. Day Observed. No School for Students.
~ Monday, January 27 - Friday January 31,2025: Catholic Schools Week. More information to come
~ Friday, January 31, 2025: Early Dismissal at 10:45 a.m.
Weekly Specials: Mondays: Gym Tuesdays: No Specials Wednesdays: Spanish Thursdays: Gym and Music Fridays: Art
Monthly Themes: September: All about me, Emotions, Back to School October: Fall, Columbus Day, Fire Safety, Halloween November: Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving, Trees December: Advent, Christmas January: Winter, Polar Animals, Martin Luther King February: Groundhog's Day, Valentine's Day, March: Lent, Weather, Dr. Seuss, St. Patrick's Day April: Spring, Easter, Earth Day, Bible Stories May: Cinco De Mayo, Mother's Day, Mary, Land Animals June: Ocean Animals, Summer, Getting Ready for Kindergarten
HOMEWORK FOR THE WEEK The week of January 27, 2025 ~ What is Prayer? Worksheet ~ Letter N Worksheet ~ Same or Different Worksheet ~Color Fish Numbers or Letters Worksheet ~ Seahorse Number Order Worksheet
Morning Session: 8:15 AM - 10:45 AM Extended Day Session: 8:15 AM – 12:15 PM Full Day Session: 8:15 AM – 2:15 PM
My name is Christina Giurlanda. The students can call me Mrs. G. since my last name is hard to pronounce for some. I would like to give you a quick background about myself. This is my sixth year teaching Pre-K at St. Martin of Tours. I have taught Pre-K and Kindergarten for 12 years in the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens . I am a mom of three. I have a 13-year-old daughter, a 12-year-old son, and an 8-year-old daughter. I have been married to my husband, for the past fifteen years.
We are going to have so much fun this year in Pre-K! This school year will be filled with many exciting activities that will help your child grow in all areas of development. It has always been my belief that the most important lesson to teach a child is that there are no boundaries to what they can achieve. As your child’s teacher this year, my goal is to facilitate this priceless lesson with the use of optimism, patience, and enthusiasm. I intend to tap into the true potential of my students by acknowledging their diversities and different learning styles.
I know that it might be hard for your child to separate from you. The best and easiest thing for you to do is give them a quick goodbye, a hug, and kiss, and reassure them that you will be here when its time to go home from school. It is very important that you are here on time when we dismiss. Your child needs to feel secure in the fact that you are there when those doors open. If you are running late, please give the office a call.
If someone other than Mom or Dad is picking up your child, please send us a note. The person who is picking up your child that day will be asked to show photo ID.
Snack and Lunch: Please send in a small healthy snack and drink in a lunch bag/box. Please do not send in any NUT products in case of allergies. We will be saying the Thank You Prayer before snack. If you will like to practice it with your child it goes like this
“Thank you for the food we eat. Thank you for the world so sweet. Thank you for the birds that sing. Thank you God for everything.”
Full day and Extendend day session children will be eating lunch at 11:00 AM in the classroom. There will be an adult with the children during their lunch.
Bathroom/Dress: Please encourage your child to use the bathroom before they come to school. We also ask that you dress your child in simple clothes (sweatpants, elastic band pants, leggings, t-shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, Velcro sneakers) for playing and for using the bathroom. (Bodysuits, overalls, tights, stockings, button downs, belts are usually difficult for children at this age.) Please send your child in sneakers or rubber soled shoes to school. Flip flops, dress shoes, heels, or sandals are not safe on the playground when we go outside to play.
School Supplies: We ask that you provide your child with a backpack that can carry a folder and projects to and from school. We also ask for a change of clothes for emergencies because accidents do happen. Please put the change of clothes in a Ziploc bag with your child’s name on it. Full day session children are asked to please bring a small blanket and a fitted crib/toddler sheet for rest time. If you need a copy of the full supply list, I will email it to you! PLEASE LABEL ALL OF YOUR CHILD'S BELONGINGS! Please leave all toys at home.
Birthdays: This is what you can do to celebrate your child's birthday: Goodie bags are allowed, but please NUT FREE! I will put the goodie bags in the children’s backpacks so you can see what they got when they get home. You can bring in homemade/store bought cupcakes, invidual bagged chips, doughnuts, something that is small and easy for the children to eat. You can bring the items when your child comes to school in the morning. If you are Virtus Trained you will be able to come into the classroom to celebrate your child's birthday.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at cgiurlanda5606@smtschool.org or call the school at 631-264-7166. I can’t wait to have a great year with your child!